Forester: Timber Buyer, Veneer Logs, Rotary
Cell (812) 277-6099
Rotary Cut Veneer, Hardwood Flooring Panels
Importers - This is what we have available each year. Click here Wright Timber sells premium hardwood logs to both national and global markets. We offer free container loading services to all export buyers. We offer high quality veneer in all hardwood species. We also sell lumber, cants, ties, beams or timbers. We can do custom cutting or saw milling of these same species. Call us with your needs and specifications. To arrange a meeting or visit our yard contact Aram , Allman or our office.
American basswood (linn
) |
Tilia americana |
American beech |
Fagus grandifolia |
American sycamore |
Platanus occidentalis |
bigtooth aspen |
Populus grandidentata |
bitternut hickory |
Carya cordiformis |
black cherry |
Prunus serotina |
black locust |
Robinia pseudoacacia |
black oak |
Quercus velutina |
black walnut |
Juglans nigra |
blackgum |
Nyssa sylvatica |
boxelder |
Acer negundo |
bur oak |
Quercus macrocarpa |
chestnut oak |
Quercus prinus |
chinkapin oak |
Quercus muehlenbergii |
eastern cottonwood |
Populus deltoides |
eastern red cedar |
Juniperus virginiana |
hackberry |
Celtis occidentalis |
honey locust |
Gleditsia triacanthos |
Kentucky coffeetree |
Gymnocladus dioicus |
northern red oak |
Quercus rubra |
Ohio buckeye |
Aesculus glabra |
persimmon |
Diospyros virginiana |
pignut hickory |
Carya glabra |
pin oak |
Quercus palustris |
red elm |
Ulmus rubra |
river birch |
Betula nigra |
sassafras |
Sassafras albidum |
scarlet oak |
Quercus coccinea |
shagbark hickory |
Carya ovata |
shingle oak |
Quercus imbricaria |
shumard red oak |
Quercus shumardii |
soft red maple |
Acer rubrum |
soft silver maple |
Acer saccharinum |
sugar (hard) maple |
Acer saccharum |
swamp white oak |
Quercus bicolor |
sweetgum |
Liquidambar styraciflus |
tulip-poplar |
Liriodendron tulipifera |
white ash |
Fraxinus Americana |
white oak |
Quercus alba |
Indiana Hardwoods |
Blackoak |
Northern Red Oak
Yellow Poplar |
For a Large Gallery of Indiana Hardwoods follow this link > |